Luxury Custom Home Construction: Our Work

Get inspired with ideas from our previous projects and floor plans

  • New ideas

    Discover New Ideas

  • Define vision

    Define Your Vision

  • Best life

    Imagine Your Best Life

Right From the Very Beginning

When you design and build a truly custom home, you can make it fit your needs exactly. Gather your inspiration photos and “must have” lists and let’s dream together of your new house with our luxury custom home construction.

We’ll guide you along the way with our proven processes, which minimize stress and ensure a home you can’t wait to live in.

  • Online tool for 24/7 updates
  • Expert, established trade partners
  • Truly custom design

Where Are the Floor Plans?

Unlike production builders that limit your ability to customize your new house, our team helps you design your home from scratch. We don’t build the same house twice. Still, we know that seeing what other clients have done can spark ideas, so here’s a look at floor plans from a few recent projects we’ve worked on.

Luxury Custom Home Construction Steps to Building a Home
1st Level Floor Plan
Lower Level Floor Plan

Don’t Settle for Less

If you’re going to undertake a custom home-building project, you want to be able to personalize everything to your style and tastes. Why choose a builder that limits your choices?

Discover how we can make your vision a reality.

Custom Home Building Guide

Embarking on the journey of constructing a custom home in Cincinnati?

Dive into our comprehensive Custom Home Building Guide, written by industry experts to simplify and shed light on every step for you.

Inside, you'll find valuable insights on:

  • Crafting the perfect budget.
  • Finding prime land for your dream home.
  • Navigating the design-build blueprint.

Ready to find answers to your home-building questions? Complete this short form and get instant access to this essential ebook!

Unlock your free ebook!

The “Better Way to Build” Plan

  • Reach out

    1. PLAN IT

    Work with us to custom craft your home. 

  • New approach to building

    2. BUILD IT

    Watch your vision become reality.

  • Enjoy a home

    3. LIVE IT

    Enjoy life in a home that's just right.